Call for Papers

Technical Sessions

The following is a list of Symposium Topics for the 8th Asian Conference on Safety and Education in Laboratory (ACSEL2021). Abstracts for oral and poster presentations can be submitted for both sessions. The number of oral presentations will be limited to 1-2 per country by peer review. Posters will be on display throughout the duration of the event from 10th to 15th January. Participants can comment on posters and poster presenters will be able to reply as a means of mutual. And poster session will be held on January 14th using breakout session of ZOOM.
Please submit an abstract for the session that you think best fits one of the following:

  • Theoretical analysis of environmental safety in Laboratory
  • Safety Education
  • Laboratory Safety Management
  • Emergency and Disaster Management
  • Safety and health protection
  • Environmental protection
  • Waste treatment
  • Recycling of resources
  • Carbon neutral
  • Post-COVID19 new normal

To present a Technical paper

100 words abstract (due by December 3, 2021) is the first to be submitted by those who wish to make a presentation in the conference. Based on these submissions we will make a decision as whether or not to accept your contribution and arrange the conference sessions.
Submit your abstract online through the 100 words abstract submission form.

100 words abstract submission form >>> Closed.

Guideline of Poster Presentations


Presenters can also submit a Full manuscript (due by February 28, 2022) for publication in a special issue of the Journal of Environment and Safety. The full manuscript should be submitted through online submission webpage. The submitted manuscript will be published after undergoing a standard reviewing process. The copyright transfer agreement must be signed by ink, scanned and sent to the e-mail address: "edoffice(image of at)". Instructions to the authors can be found here.

J. Environment and Safety online submission

Deadline for Technical Presentations

December 3, 2021100 words abstract due
December 10, 2021Authors notification of acceptance
February 28, 2022Proceedings due
